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Traveling stress-free with CLEAR and in style with the Away bigger carry-on – get $20 of your first AWAY bag with my referral link (discount reflected in checkout after you set up an account).
When I travel, two things are non-negotiable: no checked bags and no waiting in airport security lines. I achieve the first using my personal tricks to packing lightly (even for two weeks abroad) and the latter is a breeze thanks to a combination of TSA Precheck and CLEAR.
I get asked a lot whether it’s better to have one or the other, and my reply is that it’s the combination of the two that’s magical. While TSA Precheck will run you $75 for five years (or spend just a little more to get Global Reentry for $100), CLEAR is a bit pricier with annual subscriptions for one person costing $179 per year, plus $50 each for up to five additional family members. So is CLEAR worth it? Here are three reasons I say yes.
CLEAR is everywhere
CLEAR is a private company in over 60 airports, stadiums, and other venues across the U.S. that allows you to skip to the front of the security line. If you have TSA Precheck, you get to skip to the front of that line as well. Instead of using traditional identification like a paper ID or social security number that can be stolen, the CLEAR system uses biometrics.
Get 1 year of CLEAR for only $149 by clicking this link & using code AFF149.
Enjoy a 2-month free trial of CLEAR by clicking this link & using code 2FREE.
When you register, the kiosk will scan your fingerprints and your eyes (a retina scan). Those biometrics become your new form of safe, secure identification. It only takes two minutes to sign up, and you can register on-site at the airport and use the service on the same day!

It’s super easy to use
When you approach the CLEAR line, one of their employees will greet you and escort you down the line to a CLEAR kiosk, where you’ll press down your index and middle fingers on your right hand to scan your fingerprints.
It’s a pretty cool system because it means you don’t need a drivers’ license or other ID for domestic travel when you’re using CLEAR. You’ll also scan your boarding pass. Then the employee will alert the TSA agent at their station that you’re ready to cut the line (you can feel embarrassed or smug as waiting passengers give you the evil eye – or a bit of both, no judgement). You’ll scan your boarding pass again, pop your bag through the x-ray, walk through the metal detector – no body scan needed – and then you’re on your way!

With CLEAR, I have time to put my feet up.
It CLEARly (ha) saves time
On average it only takes me about five minutes – sometimes less – to get through security using TSA Precheck and CLEAR together. While the $179 annual fee isn’t cheap, if you travel frequently by plane it’s absolutely worth it.
Think about it this way: ten plane trips = going through the airport a total of 20 times to and from your destination. That’s only $9 for basically skipping the entire line each time you go through security. If you travel twice a month that cost goes down to $3 and change, and if you save 30 mins in line each time, that’s an extra hour per trip that you can sleep in, call a friend, get a bite to eat, or answer emails.
Get 1 year of CLEAR for only $149 by clicking this link & using code AFF149.
Enjoy a 2-month free trial of CLEAR by clicking this link & using code 2FREE.
I relish the extra 30 minutes of snoozing, and the fact that even when I’m running late to the airport I never stress about having to run to my gate anymore. What would you do with that extra time?
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Follow me on Instagram @theprimpysheep for more reviews and style inspiration, and if you enjoyed this post, you might also like:
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This was so informative! I have TSA Precheck and didn’t know there was any benefit to also having Clear. We will definitely be looking at adding it to our travel plans