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With the frenetic pace of modern daily life, it’s extra important to put aside time for simple things that simply make you feel good. But the term “self-care” gets thrown around so much that the definition is getting muddled. I see self care as more than face masks and bubble baths – it’s any kind of rest or nourishment for the mind, body, and soul. That means that yes – a glass of wine or choosing NOT to exercise (once in a while) can be self care.

Here are the five acts of regular self care that are essential to my life:
Early morning yoga
Sadly, exercise can too easily become the first thing that falls to the wayside when I get busy. The only solution is to get it out of the way first thing. I set my alarm, hit snooze twice (I relish the twilight-sleep awareness of being snuggled up in bed) and then propel myself to morning yoga classes four times a week at YogaWorks Baltimore. On the days when it feels like opening my eyes and getting out of bed would be the worst thing in the world, I remind myself of two things: how wonderful I always feel after class, and the fact that I can lay back down for a while as soon as I get there!

A non-negotiable breakfast
My brain can’t function without food, so whether I’m eating a full plate of egg, toast, sauerkraut, and coffee at home, or just bringing a hardboiled egg and granola into work, the most important meal of the day is a must. It ensures my metabolism – and ability to focus – is fueled and ready to go.

Knowing it’s ok to sleep in
I like working into the night, and I like waking up early – it’s a terrible combination. To compensate, I pick one weekday each week and block off one morning each weekend to sleep in as late as is feasible. I see it as an investment in my immune system as well as my productivity for the rest of the week.
Making time to read
It doesn’t always happen, but I try to get in bed 30 minutes before bedtime to read my favorite magazines – Wired, National Geographic, or Fast Company. It gets me away from my laptop and phone screens, helps me unwind, and makes sure I stay tuned into what’s going on in science, technology, and culture. Pro tip: I usually bring a nightcap with me into bed – a glass of wine or splash of whiskey (and sometimes an ice cream sandwich).

Prioritizing “us” time
I leave work as close to 5:00 pm as possible so my husband and I can walk our dog together – it’s when we catch up, make plans, and discuss the news. It’s so important, especially during weeks when I have after-hours events. Weekday mornings after I get back from yoga, shower, and eat breakfast, we usually sit together while I finish my coffee too. It starts the day off on the right note, and reminds me of what’s truly important in life.

Here are five more things that make me feel good throughout the day:
- In the shower, I use L’Occitaine soap that I brought home from my NYFW stay at The Gansevoort hotel – every day it reminds me of an amazing trip in an amazing city.
- Ignoring social media if I’m not feeling it – no one is holding me accountable to it but me, and I can choose to let it go.
- Sometimes my husband drops off lunch for me at the office, or takes me out to eat if I have the time – even if we just saw each other in the morning and know we’ll see each other again directly after work!
- Eating ice cream while I make dinner. I’m a grown up. I can do what I want.
- Matching pajamas make me feel put-together even when life is crazy!

What little rituals are essential in your life? Let me know in the comments!